Following is the standard voucher I/O structure provided by Kingdee Leger. The structure can be built by either dBASE or Foxpro. When you meet matter during exporting from the KingDee ledger or importing from the standard dBASE vocher, you can refer to following information. Field No. FieldName FieldType FieldSize Decimal Description 1 FDate Date 8 Input date (日期) 2 FPeriod Number 4 Accounting period(期间) 3 FGroup Char 4 The voucher's category (凭证字) 4 FNum Number 4 The voucher's I.D. no. (凭证号) 5 FEntryID Number 4 The I.D. no. of entry in the voucher(分录号) 6 FExp Char 40 Voucher's explanation (摘要) 7 FAcctID Char 15 Account number(科目代码) 8* FClsName1 Char 20 Name of calculation category (自定义的核算项目类别名称,即GLACCT。FCLSID对应的核算项目类别名称。) 9* FObjID1 Char 10 ID no. of calculation item 10* FObjName1 Char 20 Name of calculation item 11* FClsName2 Char 20 12* FObjID2 Char 10 (核算项目代码) 13* FObjName2 Char 20 (核算项目名称为往来单位) 14* FClsName3 Char 20 15* FObjID3 Char 10 16* FObjName3 Char 20 (核算项目名称为部门) 17* FClsName4 Char 20 18* FObjID4 Char 10 (核算项目代码) 19* FObjName4 Char 20 (核算项目名称为职员) 20 FTransID Char 10 ID no. of transaction trade (往来业务编号) 21 FCyID Char 3 ID no of original currency (币别代码) 22 FExchRate Number 19 10 Exchange rate(汇率) 23 FDC Char 1 Only can be 'D'(Debit Account) or 'C'(Credit Account)(借方或贷方) 24 FFCyAmt Number 14 2 Amount(原币金额)? 25 FQty Number 8 2 Quantity(数量) 26 FPrice Number 10 7 Unit price(单价) 27 FDebit Number 14 2 Debit amount(借方发生额) 28 FCredit Number 14 2 Credit amount (贷方发生额) 29 FSettlCode Char 8 Code of settlement (结算方式) 30 FSettleNo Char 8 Settlement no.(结算单号) 31 FPreparer Char 8 Name of preparer(制单人) 32 FPay Char 8 Name of payer(付款人) 33 FCash Char 8 Name of cashier(出纳) 34 FPoster Char 8 Name of person who posted the voucher(过帐人) 35 FChecker Char 8 Name of person who checked the voucher(审核人) 36 FAttchment Number 5 Number of the attachment closed in the voucher (附件张数) 37 FPosted Logic 1 Whether the voucher is posted(凭证是否已过帐) 38* FModule Char 2 Indicates the source of the voucher if the voucher is an automatic transfer voucher(自动转帐凭证) 39 FDeleted Logic 1 Whether it is a deleted voucher(凭证删除标志) 40 FSerialNo Number 10 Serial no. of the voucher (凭证序列号) ****Note*****(字段说明) 1. The field of FModule can be the following value: (“Fmodule”字段) 'FA' ----- changes of fixed assets(固定资产变动) 'DA' ----- adjustment of accumulation because of changes of fixed assets(固定资产变动引起的折旧变动) 'FD' ----- provide accumulation of fixed assets(计提折旧固定资产) 'RA' ----- adjustment of period-end exchange rate(期未调汇) 'GL' ----- transfer the profit and loss of current period (结转当期损益) 'PA' ----- distribution of payroll(工资分配) 2. The fields of FClsName and FObjName (1,2,3) are about the calculation item.(核算项目、核算项目类别) The FClsName(1,2,3) can be found when you maintain the calculation item in the Kingdee Ledger, such as 'Department','Staff','Customer' etc. And the FObjName(1,2,3) (and FObjID(1,2,3)) is the detailed calculation item under the calculation category, such as 'Kingdee' under the category 'Customer', etc.(核算项目类别指“部门”、“职员”、“客户”等)